GOD saved me from myself. Thank you for deliverance. GOD delivered me when I thought there was no way out and the fire was flaming. God delivered me from abuse, sexual addiction and adulteress behavior. What GOD has for you is so much more rewarding when you place yourself available for him. BUT GOD! We live in a world of self-inflicted pain believing that the devil has more for us then GOD. Our GOD is a GOD of process something in you that GOD is hatching by the circumstances around you. Your victory is tied to your thought life. I am spiritually awakened and I am delivered. You are no different than I and no circumstance that you are in is to big for the king. God promises are true. Get in the posture to be delivered. I stand awakened as I BOLDLY WALK IN THE WILL OF GOD!
CONFESSIONS OF THE OTHER WOMAN will take you on a journey from a woman of self-inflicted pain from lust, lies, sexual addiction and adulteress behavior that almost destroyed her life, to a woman who was delivered and spirituality awakened. CONFESSIONS OF THE OTHER WOMAN delivers transparency to many who are scared to confront their demons and their addictive behavior.